30 Day Challenge: Day 5


Day 5:


Do I spin? Yes, I spin. In circles? Sometimes. The spin I am referring to is the revolving, rotating and the turning over and over, around and around, thoughts, pictures and decisions that have mirrored and shaped me in designated ways. I am a designated driver, driving my life with seriousness to exactness, yet desiring and longing for a gentle pellucidity to existence; however my frail humanity interferes daily with the quest to live this simple life of challenged humility. A challenge with in a challenge: To do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God. It is a rotating of position, a turning from temptation, and a revolving to destination.

Today was my cardio day. I went to spin class early this morning due to the business of compacting so many things into a Friday, it is the only time I can go. I have so much respect for those determined to make a difference and to see a difference in their health. These many lives in one large mirrored room, share a morning anonymously together and yet, though we don’t know each other’s names, we know we experience a cheering on of one another, under our breath,  pain, and exhaustion.

Image credit:http://www.therapy-counseling.net/

One thought on “30 Day Challenge: Day 5

  1. Kudos to you and all the others in that class, Jamie, I am a Personal Trainer, and yet when I pass the “mirrored room” with the hum of the wheels, the instructor giving his or her challenge to the cheers (and the odd grown) of the participants and the loud music, my heart pounds to the point of wanting to burst at the thought of entering that door again. Have done several classes in spin. Not for this chickie….I am sweating and my pulse is increasing just at the thought.

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